Saturday, March 20, 2010

Three And A Half Weeks

Here I am, right in the middle of a long dry spell. Three and a half weeks ago I finished "Two Weeks And Two Days With Two Cats," and in three and a half weeks we fly to Meadville, Pennsylvania to meet and greet the congregation. Our interaction so far has been with search committees and a few associated ministers. I'm sure there will be a story or two involved with the three-flight travel each way to and from Erie, and the scouting of Meadville.

It bugs me every time I go to one of my blog sites and it says how long it has been since I last posted on each one. That is why I'm here today. I am not here to tell you about yesterday, when I caught the 7:20 #2 bus south on Ventura, east on Academy and south on Eubank to Central Avenue(Historic Route 66) where I caught the #66 toward the theatre, but got off at the Alvarado Transportation Center downtown and took a picture of a store called "The Gizmo Store" to email to a friend in Massachusetts who works as a professional gizmologist (my terminology) before walking from there to the theatre and finding nobody there, waiting an hour then catching an eastbound Rapid Ride to Louisiana Avenue where I took a picture of a wacky Vietnamese restaurant then caught a #66 east on 66 to Home Depot and Sam's, then a #2 home. I mean, what would be the point in telling you that other than to update this blog beyond "Three Weeks Ago?" That would just be crazy.

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