Thursday, October 29, 2009


On one of my many Amtrak trips to Baltimore we stopped somewhere in South Carolina late in the evening, and a mom came aboard with her two kids. The girl was about six and the boy around eight years old. They sat in the seats in front of me- well two of them did. I don't know if the boy ever sat down for more than a few seconds.

All night long I heard Mom. "Tyrone, sit down. Tyrone get back here. Tyrone, leave that gentleman alone. Tyrone, what in the hell are you doing? Tyrone, quit messing with your sister," etcetera etcetera all night long.

It was daylight as we were approaching Washington, DC. Tyrone came and sat down in the seat next to me. "How you doing, Tyrone?" I asked. His eyes got real big. "How'd you know my name?!!" he said.

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